Hark! What Hair Iron in Yonder Ladies??? Room is Hung?

The Glamourbuddy is a wall-mounted coin-operated hair iron vending machine intended for use in places like nightclubs ??? really, anywhere hair can get wet and/or sweaty, like high school and college locker rooms, or the local gym or pool.

(Franchise Buy) - By . Updated Jul 22, 2011

Hark! What Hair Iron in Yonder Ladies’ Room is Hung?

Published July 22, 2011 | By admin


glamour buddy hair fashionOkay, okay, this has nothing to do with Shakespeare. It does, however, have plenty to do with hair irons. The hair iron is perhaps the most ubiquitous item in hairstyling; curly girls use it to straighten their locks, and girls with straight hair wield it to give limp locks some body and some waves. The big issue, though, with relying on hair irons to achieve and maintain your style is that of portability. No matter how big your handbag is, you just won’t have enough space for it to be practical to carry one around. Trust me; it just doesn’t work.

Beyond that, a lot of the places where having a hair iron on hand would be a boon are also places where you aren’t really likely to carry a bag at all – take, for example, the average nightclub. Carrying a bag of any size, especially of a size that it could hold a hair iron, would just look silly, especially if you plan on dancing, as so many people do. But dancing itself could prove to be a conundrum! You see, when you dance, you sweat, and sweating is one of the surest ways to ruin your carefully styled hair. So you see, you need a hair iron, but it just isn’t feasible for you to actually have one. This is where Fashion Vending USA comes in, presenting the Glamourbuddy.

The Glamourbuddy is a wall-mounted coin-operated hair iron vending machine intended for use in places like nightclubs – really, anywhere hair can get wet and/or sweaty, like high school and college locker rooms, or the local gym or pool. While the concept of a coin-operated hair iron has been around for a pretty long time and it never really took off, the Glamourbuddy is the first to combine it with convenient features and a sleek design – out of all the coin-operated hair irons that have been or are now out there, it is the Glamourbuddy that stands the best chance of going “mainstream.”

Why, you ask? What are these features? Well, let’s begin with the most important – the hair iron contained within the Glamourbuddy. This iron is made by TAHE Industries, and it is of professional quality; the ceramic and tourmaline heating plates not only heat up evenly in under thirty seconds, but they also prevent the heat damage so common in all-metal irons. This iron is kept at high temperatures in between uses, in order to kill off the bacteria in other peoples hair, assuring that everyone gets the same sanitary experience. Beyond the iron itself, the Glamourbuddy is a highly adaptable – aye, truly global – machine. For example, it can be reprogrammed for any language in the world, and, if your language – or languages; the Glamourbuddy is bilingual – isn’t on the list of preprogrammed languages, Fashion Vending USA will be happy to help you record your own messages.

Interested? Intrigued? Check out the Glamourbuddy’s website at www.fashionvendingusa.com for more information!

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