Can You Succeed with a Work-at-Home Job?

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(Franchise Buy) - By SystemUser - BlogMigration. Updated May 1, 2013

Along with the upsides of working from home like being your own boss and working your own hours there are downsides, namely, being your own boss and working your own hours. You may have the talent to work at home but you also need the discipline. Ask yourself these three questions to decide whether working at home is for you. Do I take the initiative?Rather than waiting for tasks from an employer, at home you have to make work for yourself. Whether it's finding new clients or brainstorming a new product, you are solely responsible for keeping your home business going. How well do I manage my time?You're free to check your social networking accounts all day when you work at home, but one simple fact remains: no work, no pay. Time management skills are a must for maintaining a steady rate of production. Is my family supportive?Relatives may have a hard time understanding that you aren't free just because you're at home all day. If you aren't comfortable setting clear boundaries regarding your work schedule, be prepared to deal with constant interruptions. Answering 'no' to any of these questions is a sign that you aren't ready to work at home. Working at home part-time can allow you to see for yourself whether you have what it takes to work at home for good.To learn more about independent business and franchise opportunities, many of which will allow you to work from home, visit

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