Belfor Franchise Group Honors Steve Lajiness

Sheldon Yellen, CEO of BELFOR, recognized Belfor Franchise Group Sr. Franchise Development Manager, Steve Lajiness, at a company ???Town Hall??? meeting for his many achievements and contributions to the growth of the DUCTZ and HOODZ franchise systems.

(Franchise Buy) - By . Updated Apr 7, 2011

Belfor Franchise Group Honors Steve Lajiness


Sheldon Yellen, CEO of BELFOR, recognized Belfor Franchise Group Sr. Franchise Development Manager, Steve Lajiness, at a company “Town Hall” meeting for his many achievements and contributions to the growth of the DUCTZ and HOODZ franchise systems.

 From June 2007 to December 2009, Steve brought in 53 of the 73 total DUCTZ owners. And according to Entrepreneur magazine, DUCTZ is a Franchise 500® business opportunity and the number one duct-cleaning franchise in the world.

The Belfor Franchise Group began franchising the HOODZ kitchen exhaust cleaning franchise in April 2009. Steve quickly turned his consultative selling skills to the HOODZ franchise concept and brought in 65 of the 97 total HOODZ owners. HOODZ is the number one kitchen exhaust cleaning franchise in the world. Entrepreneur magazine ranks HOODZ as a Franchise 500® business opportunity, number one in its category, and one of its fasted growing franchises for 2011. Dun & Bradstreet ranks HOODZ as an AllBusiness AllStar franchise for 2011.

 BELFOR is the world’s largest disaster restoration company with over 6,000 employees in 29 countries. The idea for the company Town Hall meetings came as result of CEO Yellen’s January 2011 appearance on the CBS hit series “Undercover Boss” as he took an emotional journey through the everyday lives of four BELFOR employees.

 CEO Yellen also recognized Steve for his work with the FranChoice consultant network. FranChoice has assisted more than 6000 people in their quest to business ownership since April 2000. In January, HOODZ received “top placement” and Honor Role recognition at the January FranChoice convention.

Steve Lajiness

Steve Lajiness

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