Franchise Directory

Our franchise directory contains hundreds of listings, including franchises, business opportunities, distributorships, licenses, and dealerships. Opportunities appear in alphabetical order, but you can jump to particular companies by their name.

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Found 5 franchise on 1 pages


An OpenWorks franchise is not just about cleaning buildings when employees go home at the end of the day - it's about harnessing your professional motivations and teaming them up with a recognized lea ...
25k Min. Cash Required
Opa! of Greece

Opa! of Greece

Opa! Of Greece
9k Min. Cash Required
OxyMagic Carpet Cleaning

OxyMagic Carpet Cleaning

OxyMagic uses our green seal certified cleaner to clean a wider spectrum of soils that other cleaners may not get out. For a Limited Time Only Special $18,500!
24k Min. Cash Required
Online Trading Academy

Online Trading Academy

Tens of millions of people have seen their retirement derailed by the financial turmoil of the past decade. We help them get back on track by teaching the tools of the professional trader/investor in ...
100k Min. Cash Required
Off the Hook

Off the Hook

The Essence of Cajun Cooking With Off The Hook - Real Cajun, Real Fast. Off The Hook was founded with a simple idea in mind: to share with you our love for Cajun foods and culture in a timely manner. ...
250k Min. Cash Required
Found 5 franchise on 1 pages

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